Grace Church

Noblesville, Indiana -

Phone: 317-443-7868
Grace Church held its first service in September 1991 as a surprising 600+ people assembled to worship together in a warehouse in Westfield, IN. Our congregation now reaches 8,000-10,000 individuals who call Grace their home church. Throughout our history, with a laser-focus on the Kingdom of God, we've considered how we as the church can heal the brokenness of this world. We have seen God do some miraculous things at Grace over the course of more than two decades. Ultimately, what we care about most is making disciples of Jesus and launching them into the mission of God. All we do – every ministry offered, each worship experience, any effort we make to reach out to this community and around the world – is rooted in our desire to challenge people to follow closely after Jesus Christ and live a life that reflects the desire He has for his Church to bring healing in this broken world.