Lewisburg Baptist Church

Maysville, Kentucky -

Phone: 606-301-3460

Lewisburg Baptist Church has been ministering to and serving the communities in and around Lewisburg (Mason County) and Maysville, Kentucky since our beginning in 1843. A lot has changed since then, but our purpose remains to glorify God by making his love and grace known to all. 

We aim to be Christians not just on Sunday morning, but throughout the entire week. It's hard work, but by and through the grace and forgiveness of God, we keep working towards Christlikeness.


We cooperate with the Southern Baptist Convention, Kentucky Baptist Convention, and the Bracken Association of Baptists. We do this because we believe that we can accomplish more for God's kingdom when we partner together than we can apart. 


Missions are important to us too, so we support the North American Mission Board, the International Mission Board, various local opportunities and other ministries.


We believe that God’s Word is completely true; it guides us in everything from what we teach to how we live. The 2000 Baptist Faith and Message is a helpful summary of our beliefs.