New Community Church

Xenia, Ohio -

Phone: 9372444157

Church & Position Profile 

Preaching Team Lead

Our Mission, Vision & Strategy

Our vision at New Community is Jesus Saturation! We envision God’s people so saturated in Jesus that every person, in every place, would have a daily encounter with Jesus in words spoken and deeds done until our area is saturated with the gospel of Jesus Christ! We accomplish this vision through making and multiplying disciples with the gospel of Jesus Christ through the power of the Spirit. We believe discipleship happens best through all-of-life discipleship: life with Jesus, life on life, life in community, and life on mission.

  • Life with Jesus: Engaging in the growth practices of a disciple that lead to intimacy with Christ and life transformation.
  • Life on life: Getting close enough to be seen and known in every aspect of life
  • Life in Community: Living like an extended family in the everyday stuff of life. Every member of the body of Christ uses their gifts to equip and service the body of Christ (i.e. “speaking the truth in love”) so that it matures.
  • Life on Mission: Teaching one another the basics of making disciples while you are on the mission of making disciples.

The house church is our primary vehicle for all-of-life discipleship. House Churches are spiritual families living life together in pursuit of Jesus and His mission. Together they grow in spiritual maturity to reproduce disciples who make disciples and eventually form new local churches. 

A Brief History

In October of 2011, God laid on the hearts of the elders of Apex Community Church in Dayton, Ohio to birth a new regional gathering in the city of Xenia.  This gathering site would be called Apex Xenia. The vision for this new gathering was to create a “hotspot” for the gospel; to “tabernacle among them” as Jesus did.  

On Oct. 17, 2019, Apex Xenia became an independent family of house churches organized as New Community Church A Family of House Churches. By the end of 2020, New Community had purchased its current facility at 990 Old Springfield Pike, Xenia. God miraculously provided and the church facility was paid for by the end of 2021.

Our Values

  • EQUIP - Become a ministry that is equipping the saints.
  • GOSPEL - Become a ministry fluent in gospel proclamation and engages every sphere of culture with gospel-saturated living.
  • IDENTITY - Become a ministry living out of their identity as followers of Jesus, living as a family of disciples on mission together to make and multiply disciples.
  • COMMUNITY - Become a ministry that lives & loves like a family with Jesus as the Head
  • MISSION - Become a ministry that is developing intentional missional leaders.
  • REPRODUCE - Become a ministry that is multiplying and sending at every level.



Children & Students

  • Ages 0-3 = 32
  • Ages 4-11 = 83
  • Ages 12-18 = 44

Gatherings & House Church

  • 410 people attend the Sunday Gatherings and are in a house church
  • 36 people attend the Sunday Gatherings but are not in a house church
  • 25 people are in the process of getting plugged into a house church

What we are looking for

Ministry Philosophy

  1. Believes the House Church is our main discipleship engine (vehicle) 
  2. Understands and practices disciple-making
  3. Understands and practices evangelism
  4. Believes ministry is best accomplished through a team of equippers who are raising up new equippers.
  5. Believes in an Elder-led church
  6. Believes in consensus decision-making among elders
  7. Believes equipping should be the primary role of most paid staff
  8. Believes in multiplying at all levels - disciple, house church, leaders, gatherings
  9. Believes in intentional, relational disciple-making ministry rather than relying on program-driven ministry

Desired Qualities and Skills

  1. Meets Elder qualifications
  2. Gifted in teaching 
  3. Able to develop and lead leaders
  4. Equipper of equippers
  5. Able to effectively cast vision
  6. Good listener
  7. Team player and committed to loving, supporting, spending time with, encouraging and spurring team members on to love and good deeds
  8. Humble, transparent, authentic, teachable
  9. Warm, friendly, hospitable
  10. Manages time well
  11. Meets the 5 Cs - character, chemistry, capacity, calling, competency
  12. Experience in living out the great commission in the context of community
  13. Experience in teaching and disciple-making relationships